Elder Seth Barrus

Elder Seth Barrus
Jakarta Indonesia Mission May2013-2015

Monday, May 11, 2015

The Last Email

Despite the emotional Skype session we just finished, I'll get it together and compose this last email while my tears fall on the keyboard. I'm thinking about writing a song... "Skype's the Reason for the Teardrops on my Keyboard..." Ha ha something like that. Sorry Sister Swift. 

(For those who didn't follow the Skype, we actually didn't cry. Well I didn't. But it was good seeing everybody. Even though I'll see everybody in like 2 days.) This last week was sooo much fun! Last week, Aryo was baptized from our teaching pool and it was awesome and great because yesterday he got confirmed as a member of the Church. Last Saturday, Elder Troff and Elder Jones met up with Andi, their Chinese investigator and he said he felt that God was disappointed in him for not being baptized last Sunday, so he asked and plead if this Sunday he could be baptized and after going over the baptismal interview just real quick to make sure everything was OK, he was given the go ahead to get baptized yesterday.

I told the members during my final testimony that I have been extremely blessed to have seen so many of my brothers and sisters baptized into the true church of God during my mission. But really the only conversion that took place has been within myself. I can't judge others' conversion. However, I can know of my own. We visited with Brother Tri and Sister Chrissie last Saturday. Tri's doing really well. Antonius just soaked in the final lesson of enduring to the end and gave me a giant hug after the lesson. Hendra from Medan (who because of extenuating circumstances hasn't been to church in over a year) gave me a call and we chatted for a few minutes. Ivan came and played basketball with us earlier this morning. Brother Wintolo and Sister Ayu took me, Elder Wood, and Elder Troff out to lunch and we had fun reminiscing about teaching Brother Wintolo. Elder Wintolo didn't come because those are his parents... :P 

We're having a FHE night at the Lopis' house later with Aryo, Natanael, and others. And sitting back during the baptismal service, I just felt happy. Downright joy. I'm excited to move on to another season of my life. (Although ironically Indonesia doesn't even have seasons...) These last two years have been full of unforgettable moments. I love the people here. Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Bules, Christians, Catholics, Mormons, etc. I love 'em all. Indonesia has the coolest mix of culture in the world. It's full of the nicest people ever (even when they don't give a darn about your message of salvation). Thanks Mom and Dad for all the support through the thick and thin. My mission hasn't been perfect, but I know you were praying for me through it all. Thanks to the Barrus clan for the emails and pictures that made me laugh and cheered me up. I also love my last companion. Elder Wintolo is such a stud. He's helped me overcome my trunky thoughts and kept me working hard. I hope you all can meet him someday. He will be a pilot. So if you're ever in Indonesia and fly Garuda Airlines, look for him.

The rest of my week pretty much goes like this: Pack tonightTomorrow morning finish reading the 80 day challenge of the Book of Mormon. Have my final exit interview with President Donald. Have a warteg lunch with Ivan. Go proselyting with Elder Heiner. Eat a bbq dinner with everyone at 4. Final fireside at 6. Hop in a taxi after that and head to the airport for 25 hours of goodness and joyness of riding in a airplane. Ahhh yeah.

I am not going to bore you all with stories and things that I learned from my mission, but to be short in writing, I'm grateful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I always point to my name badge when I contact people on the busway because I always say "My name is Elder Barrus. I am not Jesus Christ, but I represent Him. That's why His name is second biggest on my name tag." I've learned through repentance how to have full access to His Atonement and mercy from Heavenly Father. The mistakes and sins we commit can be forgiven and forgotten. I haven't found lasting peace and happiness anywhere else than in applying and proclaiming the Atonement of Christ. I love Him. And I know He loves me. 

See you soon!

Harap Allah sertamu slalu.. sampai kelak kita bertemu.
(God be with you until we meet someday.)

Note from Mom:
We had a great visit with Elder Barrus for Mother's Day, although I forgot to take a picture. I asked him what he wanted to do when he came home.

1. Go to the temple.
2. Hold a gallon of milk.
3. Drive a car.
4. Sit on carpet.
5. Eat roast beef with mashed potatoes and gravy.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Seth! I found your blog through googling Jakarta 3rd ward. This is a weird question but I'm hoping you can help me out. My husband and I have the opportunity to move to Jakarta for a year to teach. We are trying to get in contact with the Bishop or RS president but I've only been able to find a building phone number for the Bishop. I was wondering if you had contact information for anyone in that ward or if you could get our email to the mission office who could then get it to the 3rd ward:). We just have some questions and are hoping the members could help us out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for you service! and thanks for your blog:) - Brittany (stewandbritt@gmail.com)
